The System of Evaluation for Distance Education Students is as per rules of DEC, New Delhi.
Program Evaluation
University has three-tier system of Evaluation
Marks Distribution and Minimum passing marks.
Theory Examination (Term End Examination)
Each Theory Exam of each course (paper) is of 75 marks and minimum passing percentage is 40% or 30% marks.
Practical Examination (Term End Examination)
Each Practical Exam of each year/semester is of 75 marks and minimum passing percentage is 40% or 30% marks.
Examination for the concerned course within the duration of the course plus two years from the date of his/her admission to the Ist semester of the course, failing which he will be deemed to be unfit for the concerned course.
If a student fail in a subject(s), he will be given only 2 more chance to clear the subject.